I correctly identified the site of Firuzabad, Iran in "When on Google Earth 59" on Geoff Carter's blog. It is now up to me to host WOGE 60.
This should be an easy one to identify, but bonus bragging points go to the one who can also recognize what particular relevance this site has to subject matter of this blog. Best of luck!
Please mind the rules for playing "When on Google Earth":
Q: What is When on Google Earth?
A: It’s a game for archaeologists, or anybody else willing to have a go!
Q: How do you play it?
A: Simple, you try to identify the site in the picture.
Q: Who wins?
A: The first person to correctly identify the site, including its major period of occupation, wins the game.
Q: What does the winner get?
A: The winner gets bragging rights and the chance to host the next When on Google Earth on his/her own blog!
When on Google Earth has also its own Facebook group.
Note: I could not get the list of previous winners to input properly without multiple error messages and so I left it out.
It's too easy Nathan. It's the Trajanic port at 'portus', Ostia (just south of Rome).
Major period of use, Claudian - bit to the left, Trajanic, the big hexagonal basin, carried on into the fourth century AD, and then it sort of petered out throughout te Dark ages....
Numismatic connection, probably many coins have been found here (for example in the famous latrines) :>)
... but I bet you are thinking of the coin reverse showing it - like this one here http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.romancoins.info/ostia-reverse-nero.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.romancoins.info/VIC-Buildings.html&usg=___0RrDfumoEV4c1UzHMBnB-Nn6sY=&h=361&w=350&sz=38&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=b0arw8LK-o_9wM:&tbnh=121&tbnw=117&prev=/images%3Fq%3DOstia%2Bcoins%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 .
Ostia was also a mint under Maxentius at the end of the first decade of the fourth century. Was it a mint another time? I don't know.
Ah, you cite a coin showing the earlier CLAUDIAN harbour on your blog... http://coinarchaeology.blogspot.com/search?q=Ostia
Yes, you got it right.
I figured it would be an easy one! The Trajanic harbor at Portus, now a ways from the coastline because of the silting that has occurred over the last 1900 years.
Also right on the numismatic connection: I was indeed thinking of the Trajanic coins struck at the Imperial mint in Rome which depict the hexagonal harbor basin. Ostia did also strike coins as you say for a very brief period of time in the 4th century.
It looks like it is over to you for WOGE 61!
I am sorry for the delay in getting up WOGE 61, it will probably be tomorrow morning, I'm still choosing between two ....
Paul Barford
WOGE 61 is here, sorry for the delay
I hope we get some numismatic contributions.
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